This client wanted a new website design and branding for an online baby gift store. The site needed to be colorful and fun. I developed user personas for new moms and grandmothers. User research was done three months after the site launched.  Users were surveyed and asked for feedback regarding their buying experience.  The user research data was used to streamline the purchasing process, improve messaging on the checkout page, and diversify product offerings. Heatmaps were used to evaluate and adjust UI elements such as button size/color and menus. 
In addition to UX research, website design, and branding, I assisted with social media marketing on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.  

Platform: Shopify
Tools: Sketch, Hotjar,, Semrush, Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop
User Persona
User Persona
Brand Moodboard
Brand Moodboard
Product Page
Product Page

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